beautiful-jekyll (3) beer-analytics (2) blogging (1) career (2) command-line (1) communication (2) conferences (2) coursera (3) dashboard (2) data-analysis (12) data-science (10) deep-learning (1) depaul (2) design (4) election-2016 (1) food (2) forecasting (1) grad-school (2) hacks (1) image-processing (1) machine-learning (5) ml (1) mooc (3) news (1) productivity (1) professional (3) programming (1) python (6) r (16) r-bloggers (1) r-markdown (1) r-package (1) ropensci (1) rstats (14) shiny (4) statistics (2) talks (1) text-mining (1) tidyverse (2) tutorial (2) web-development (4)

 beautiful-jekyll (3)

Adding Tags to your beautiful-jekyll site
Demo RMarkdown to Jekyll Post
Adding a Google Custom Search Engine to your beautiful-jekyll site

 beer-analytics (2)

Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Explaining Statistical Goodness of fit Tests with Beer (Statistics)

 blogging (1)

Dr. Jekyll and a New Site

 career (2)

One Year as a Data Scientist at Simple
Why I quit my job!

 command-line (1)

Command Line Programming for Data Scientists

 communication (2)

My Experience at the 2017 rOpenSci Unconference
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads

 conferences (2)

My Experience at the 2017 rOpenSci Unconference
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads

 coursera (3)

K-Means Cluster Analysis of Poker Hands in Python
Lasso Regression Analysis of Forest Fires in Python
Random Forest Analysis of Adult Income in Python

 dashboard (2)

Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT
A Choropleth Map, Shiny, & Flexdashboard Walk into a Bar...

 data-analysis (12)

Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards
K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut
Command Line Programming for Data Scientists
Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT
Tracking my Work Hours with IFTTT and R
K-Means Cluster Analysis of Poker Hands in Python
Lasso Regression Analysis of Forest Fires in Python

 data-science (10)

Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
One Year as a Data Scientist at Simple
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards
K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut
Command Line Programming for Data Scientists
Master's of Data Science

 deep-learning (1)

Deep Learning Image Classification with Keras and Shiny

 depaul (2)

K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
Master's of Data Science

 design (4)

Adding Tags to your beautiful-jekyll site
Demo RMarkdown to Jekyll Post
Adding a Google Custom Search Engine to your beautiful-jekyll site
Dr. Jekyll and a New Site

 election-2016 (1)

Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut

 food (2)

Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R

 forecasting (1)

Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads

 grad-school (2)

K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
Master's of Data Science

 hacks (1)

Automating GitHub Issue Creation with Python

 image-processing (1)

Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards

 machine-learning (5)

Deep Learning Image Classification with Keras and Shiny
K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
K-Means Cluster Analysis of Poker Hands in Python
Lasso Regression Analysis of Forest Fires in Python
Random Forest Analysis of Adult Income in Python

 ml (1)

Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards

 mooc (3)

K-Means Cluster Analysis of Poker Hands in Python
Lasso Regression Analysis of Forest Fires in Python
Random Forest Analysis of Adult Income in Python

 news (1)

A Statistical Approach To Understanding Why Humans Are Bad at Predictions

 productivity (1)

Automating GitHub Issue Creation with Python

 professional (3)

One Year as a Data Scientist at Simple
Master's of Data Science
Why I quit my job!

 programming (1)

R's S3 generic-function object-oriented system

 python (6)

R's S3 generic-function object-oriented system
Automating GitHub Issue Creation with Python
K-Nearest Neighbor of Lending Club Issued Loans in Python
K-Means Cluster Analysis of Poker Hands in Python
Lasso Regression Analysis of Forest Fires in Python
Random Forest Analysis of Adult Income in Python

 r (16)

R's S3 generic-function object-oriented system
Deep Learning Image Classification with Keras and Shiny
Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
My Experience at the 2017 rOpenSci Unconference
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards
Explaining Statistical Goodness of fit Tests with Beer (Statistics)
Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut
Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT
Demo RMarkdown to Jekyll Post
Day Drinking with R
Tracking my Work Hours with IFTTT and R
A Choropleth Map, Shiny, & Flexdashboard Walk into a Bar...
Best Practices for Shiny Development

 r-bloggers (1)

Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT

 r-markdown (1)

Demo RMarkdown to Jekyll Post

 r-package (1)

Day Drinking with R

 ropensci (1)

My Experience at the 2017 rOpenSci Unconference

 rstats (14)

R's S3 generic-function object-oriented system
Deep Learning Image Classification with Keras and Shiny
Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards
Explaining Statistical Goodness of fit Tests with Beer (Statistics)
Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut
Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT
Day Drinking with R
Tracking my Work Hours with IFTTT and R
A Choropleth Map, Shiny, & Flexdashboard Walk into a Bar...
Best Practices for Shiny Development

 shiny (4)

Deep Learning Image Classification with Keras and Shiny
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
A Choropleth Map, Shiny, & Flexdashboard Walk into a Bar...
Best Practices for Shiny Development

 statistics (2)

Explaining Statistical Goodness of fit Tests with Beer (Statistics)
A Statistical Approach To Understanding Why Humans Are Bad at Predictions

 talks (1)

Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads

 text-mining (1)

Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter

 tidyverse (2)

Exploratory & sentiment analysis of beer tweets from Untappd on Twitter
Not Mustard 🍔 Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R

 tutorial (2)

Extracting data from Twitter for @hrbrmstr's #nom foodie images
Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards

 web-development (4)

Adding Tags to your beautiful-jekyll site
Demo RMarkdown to Jekyll Post
Adding a Google Custom Search Engine to your beautiful-jekyll site
Dr. Jekyll and a New Site